Understanding Hora and Trisham/Khawadisham Lagan in Astrology!

Hora: In astrology, "Hora" refers to one half of a celestial house (Lagan). It plays a crucial role in determining the influence of celestial bodies on an individual. The concept of Hora divides each zodiac sign into two equal parts. For odd Lagans such as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, the first half (from 1 to 15 degrees) is governed by the Sun, while the second half (from 16 to 30 degrees) is governed by the Moon. In contrast, even Lagans like Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces have the Moon governing the first half and the Sun governing the second half. The placement of planets in these Horas significantly impacts a person's horoscope and the interpretation of their natal chart.

Trisham and Khawadisham Lagan or Ascendant: The concepts of Trisham and Khawadisham Lagans relate to the positioning of the Ascendant in a horoscope. If a query or astrological prediction is made during the first part of the Trisham Lagan, the planet Brahspati (Jupiter) is placed in the first house (Lagan) of the horoscope. If the query is made in the second part, Brahspati remains in the first house. However, if the question arises during the third part of the Drishkhand Ashindant, Brahspati is considered to be in the sixth house of the horoscope. These placements are crucial for astrological interpretations, as they influence various aspects of life depending on which house Brahspati resides in at the time of the query.

Dr A. Shanker,

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