Inference of Planet Jupiter!


Ekhshantar is 2 days 13 Ghari and 28 pal. On that day, the recorded movement of Jupiter is 1/3. First of all, 2 is multiplied by Jupiter movement 1 to get the product 2. 13 is multiplied by Jupiter movement 1 to get the product 13. 28 is multiplied by Jupiter movement 1 to get the product 28. These will be written separately.

Now, 2 is multiplied by Jupiter movement 3 to get the product 6.13 is multiplied by Jupiter movement 3 to get the product 39.28 is multiplied by Jupiter movement 3 to get the product 84 which when divided by 60 will bring a quotient of 1 with a remainder 24 which is to be left out.

Quotients 1 and 29 added to 28 will make 68 which when divided by 60 will bring a quotient of 6 with a remainder of 8 which is to be left out. Then, 1 and 6 added to 13 will make 20 which when divided by 60 will make the quotient 0 with a number 20. 2 are added to the quotient 0 to be divided by 60 yielding quotient 0 and remainders. Hence, the obtained number will be 0 day, 2 Ghari, and 20 pal to which Purnmashi Jupiter inference will be added to give the Jupiter inference of our target time which is 3 Ansh 31 kula and Bakula in Mekh Rashi.


Day and time of Birth

5 Days

0 Ghari

9 Pal

Day and midnight of purnmashi




Obtained    number                   remaining Ekshantar




Mercury movement




Product of 2




Product of 3




= Quotient 1, remainder 24

= Quotient 0, remainder 2

= Quotient 1, remainder 8

= Quotient 0, remainder 20


Obtained Ekshantra number

0 Day

2 Ghari

20 Pal


+ Purnmashi Jupiter Inference

Rashi 0

3 day

28 ghari

55 pal

Jupiter inference of the target time

0 Rashi

3 ansh

31 kula

19 bakula

Dr. A. Shanker

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