Inference of Mercury Ekhshantra

Ekhshantra is 2 days 13 kula and 25 bakula. The movement of Mercury (Budh) on that day is 25/9.

First of all, 2 is multiplied by 25 Mercury movement to get the product 50 13 is multiplied by Mercury movement 25 target the product 3.25.25 is multiplied by 25 Mercury movement to get the product 700. They are noted down separately.

Now 2 is multiplied by 9 Mercury movement to get the product 18. 13 is multiplied by Mercury movement 9 to get the product 47. 31 is multiplied by Mercury movement 9 to get the product 252.

252 divided by 60 will bring a quotient of 4 with the remainder of 12 which will be left out.

4 and 117 added to 700 will make 521 which when divided by 60 will bring a quotient of 13 with a remainder of 41 which is to be left out.

12 and 18 added to quotient 325 make 356 which when divided by 60 will bring a quotient of 5 with a remainder of 56. Quotient 5 added to 50 makes 55 with a remainder of 55. Hence the obtained number will be 0 day, 55 ghari, and 56 pal. Since Mars has a crooked movement it we deduct these obtained numbers from the Mercury inference of Purnmashi we will get the Mercury inference of our target time.

= Quotient 4, Remainder 12

= Quotient 0, Remainder 55

= Quotient 13, Remainder 41

= Quotient 5, Remainder 56

Dr. Shanker Adawal,,

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