Total Number of Birth Nakshatras impact

Suppose a child was born on Sunday. The number of nakshatra written against Saturday is to be excluded from 60 and the number is to be retained which will be in
term included in the number of nakshatra of Sunday. This will give us the total number of Nakshatra. The name of nakshatra written on the day of birth will be the name of nakshatra itself. Now the point to be discovered is as how much birth nakshatras have passed by the time of birth from which the inference of Moon will be made. For this, if the number of the time of birth on the day of birth the number of nakshatra were on day of birth. Now, the number of nakshatra on the day of birth will be excluded from it. The remainder represents the number of birth nakshatras. If the time of birth is less than that of the day of birth let the nakshatra of the time of birth be excluded to obtained the remainder which is actual remainder of the total nakshatras of birth. It is this remainder from which the total number of nakshatra of birth found in the past the torture nakshatras of birth may be deducted. Suppose a child was born on Sunday. On that day, Snktrat Asoj on 7 Paroshtha, Sharvan nakshatra is mentioned at 21 gahri, 12 pal while the exact time of birth is 9 ghari and 7 pals. Therefore, this very is the nakshatra of birth. In case number of nakshatra is less than the time of birth the nakshatra is later than that which dhanshthaa will became the nakshatra of birth. Now, according to the above rule when we look into Also Proshtha 6 we find the name of uttarkhad nakshatra written as 24-29. When it will be excluded from number 60 we will get 31-35 as remainder. When we add to it Sharvan nakshatra which is 21 ghari 12 pal on the day of birth the total number of Sharvan nakshatra comes to 56 ghari 43 pal. When the remainder 31- 35 is added to the time of birth, namely, 9 ghari and 7 pal we come to know 44 ghari 38 pal as the past nakshatra of the day of birth. Now, when we have discovered the total number of nakshatras of birth and the past birth nakshatras the inference of the Moon is to be performed in the manner that lets the previous nakshatras be converted into pals. The total number of pal will be multiplied by 60 sum total which is called ‘maqsum’ or dividend by rule, meaning that these numbers are divisible. Further, the total number of nakshatra also is to be converted into pals. Now the total will be called divisor. This number will be divided by the pal visors nakshatras. Let the number remaining from eardirs division be multiplied by sixty and divide the same. When three places are obtained from division write them separately and exclude the remaining ones. Later, count from Ashni nakshatra to Janam nakshatra. Obtain a total of the numbers one may count by multiplying them with 60, Such as we counted the person mentioned in the horoscope from Ashni nakshatra. We count except birth nakshatra (Sharavan) whose numbers are counted as 21. The birth nakshatra has not been reckoned with. The total its worked out by multiplying it by 60 that will be demonstrated in the following calculation. Having worked out these totals those three grades are noted down separate from the division of the previous nakshatra. Double this total by adding to it the quotient of the first grade. Divide the total obtained by doubling it by 9. Calculate the total by multiplying the remainder with 60.

Further, let the quotient of the second grade be doubled and added to the same total doubling it. Then it will be divided by 9. The remaining number will be excluded as they are redundant. Now it is to be noted that the three degrees of the previous nakshatras have been worked out. Now the first of these three degrees which have been obtained by being divided by 9 will be divided by 30. What is obtained will be Rashi and the remaining ones will be ansh. In the second degree namely gahari, and in the third degree, namely pal, if it happens by chance that the number of the first degree is less than 30, there will be no Rashi. Whatever numbers there are they are ansh. In such a condition the Moon will be considered to bell in the month of Magh. If should be remembered that while performing divisions if there are no remainders the above rule will not be ignored. For example, in the multiplication and division of the previous nakshatra the number should be equally divisible at the first degree and the second degree. The two will remain the same as they have been obtained. The third degree should not be bothered about. Even if the third degree remains unestablished pals will be equal in the inference. In case the second degree is unestablished as well, there will be no gharis. Whatever has been obtained per arithmetical calculations will be taken for granted.

Dr. A. Shanker

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