What is Deductive Logier of Zodiac Signs and Inference of Planets!

When the natal chart has been prepared one has to infer the signs and work out the details as which ‘grah’ has passed through how much part of a zodiac sign and hour much gharis and pals have passed. We have described the details of inference of planets in the second part of Mirror of Fortune. However, in brief it may he said that except the Moon the inference of light plants will follow ashtami amavashya and puranmashi described in Patra Sheshi (Panchang) Divakar and Mufid Aaam Jantri. They are inference of mid nights of eight days each. If one must work out the inference on a particular date in terms of ghari and pal as to at what degree and minute a planet exists. First of all, the intenaled gahri and pal will be written separately. Then Alamanac has to be consulted to determine the horoscope of the inference before the target time. Hence the horoscope of the time inference before the target time in terms of ghari and pal should also be written to which the date and time of me’s birth will be added. In case the day is prior to the ashtami of the target time, then the horoscope entered in the almanac of the previous inference, whether it is of amavashya or purnamashi let it be deducted from your day and time. The remainder will be the number of gang or the lucky number. Let them be noted in terms of day, ghari and pali Multiply all separately with the movement entered under that planet in the almanac. Convert the product into ansh by dividing it by 3. Add it to the total in the inference of the previous natal chart. In case the future natal chart has been worked out deduct the same with its inference. The total of counting will be the inference of the target time.

Dr A. Shanker,

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